Moms! Write Your Book in a Fun, Feminine Flow
For how long have you wanted to write a book, but haven't found the time? Or energy?
There are tons of programs out there that will push you, prod you, force you to compete.
But you're a mother! You are already a creator. You created beauty without pushing and competing. You created beautiful children by allowing and surrendering.
Using this same feminine energy and the joy of feminine playful creativity, you can birth your book!
At this retreat, you will discover
1. Fun, creative tools to make more time for yourself and your writing at home;
2. compassionate, loving support for you as a mother, creator and writer.
3. You will build connections with other like-hearted mother creatives.
4. You will open your creative flow channels with Yin and flow yoga;
5. open your intuition with walking meditation in perfect nature
6. you will have undisturbed alone “me” reflection time, which is vital for all creating and especially writing;
7. you will have focused writing time with an International Bestselling Author and editor;
8. you will get real time feedback on your writing.